Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm Back!

OK, my friend Wendy restarted a blog, so that reminded me I hadn't posted in a month of Sundays, so here I am! I'm hoping this year to get better at blogging, to focus on things that interest me - I'll just be shooting the breeze - no, my aim isn't good, but heck...that's what blogging is for, right?

I think this is going to be an interesting year, for many reasons. We have our first grandbaby on the way - how exciting! Mamma to be is on bedrest (well, she's already a mamma since conception but you know what I mean) and she's handling it very well all told. We are expecting our cow to give birth in the spring - that will be a whole new bunch of experiences right there, especially considering how cranky she is normally! Hopefully we'll all get along well and be able to milk her and hopefully her baby will deliver with no problems. We've got a cat about to have kittens here on the homestead - a most fertile year so far!

The family is getting ready to head down to DC to the March for Life - a worthwhile pilgrimage for pro-lifers. If you've never done it, it's something not to be missed. Being surrounded by thousands of people who feel the same way you do about the unborn and the's a tiny glimpse into Heaven!

I'm off to visit the parental units over in the Old Country soon...I pray they are with us for a good long time.

I think this year is going to be difficult in some ways, too, but I'm leaving that for another post. I just think we are blessed, so very many of us. Our worst day is so much better than the best day of many people around the world. We in the Western World need to start waking up to that fact, and we need to figure out ways to help everyone else have better days.

God have mercy on the poor people of Haiti, who are suffering so much from this earthquake. May God send intuition and interior knowledge to the rescuers searching the rubble. May they be blessed to find survivors, and may the relief efforts get to the victims quickly.

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